
Gloria Blaauwendraat

Proud breeder @Tanishtagh
FCI judge for: Golden Retriever, Flatcoated Retriever, Basset Hound, Dalmatian Dog, Hungarian Vizsla Short -and Wirehair, Heidewachtel, Cesky Fousek, Bracco Italiano & Italian Spinone
Owner of dogschool: OmegaDogs.

´All dogs are bred with knowledge, love, pride & out of pure passion’

Jun. CH Tanishtagh Just The Right Note

Pictured @ 15 months old
Born 30-3-2019

3 x JCAC
1 x BOS, 1 x Best Junior, 1 x Best Baby

Slovakian Junior Champion (2020)

HD B, ED 0-0, Eyes clear (date 19-7-2023)

‘Our little princess out of our Grace. Born Royal she is named after our Dutch Princess Alexia, but it’s ‘Lexie’ for friends. She has her father’s lovely temperament in every way. A special girl to us in many ways. Thanks Rikke for letting us use your gorgeous boy Note and your friendship’


CH Giddygold Silver & Gold Sweet Note CH Zampanzar Blue Note Dewmist Silver Zampanzar CH Telkaro Diamond Dust
CH Dewmist Silveretta
CH Zampanzar Sky at Night CH Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel
CH Samsara of Glen Sheallag
Abinvale Vanilla Sky CH Shardanell Talk O’ The Town at Ipcress Ipcress Sir Thomas
Lovehayne Scarlet Sage for Shardanell
Gunhills Blue Secret at Abinvale CH Xanthos Black Thorn
Gunhills Blue Delilah
Multi CH CIE Tanishtagh Calm after the Storm CH Snowjar’s Wellington Dumelow


Goldenlines New Feeling

CH Graceline’s Enston
Graceline’s Puppet on a String
CH Festival’s Loving Lioness CH Jazzman’s Da Capo
CH Festival’s Snow Tigress
CH Sambuca of the Morning Valley CH Dewmist Serrano CH Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel
CH Dewmist Shaquille
CH Forever Yours My Love of Splendour CH Ashbury Deep Impact
CH Darwen van ’t Canisvliet


Meet my parents

CH Giddygold Silver and Gold Sweet Note

CH Tanishtagh Calm after the Storm