
Gloria Blaauwendraat

Proud breeder @Tanishtagh
FCI judge for: Golden Retriever, Flatcoated Retriever, Basset Hound, Dalmatian Dog, Hungarian Vizsla Short -and Wirehair, Heidewachtel, Cesky Fousek, Bracco Italiano & Italian Spinone
Owner of dogschool: OmegaDogs.

´All dogs are bred with knowledge, love, pride & out of pure passion’

Jun. CH Tanishtagh Without Doubt

Pictured @ 2 years old
Born 1-10-2018

3 x CAC, 2 x Anw.Dts.Ch. VDH
6 x JCAC, 4 x Anw. Dts. Jun. Ch. VDH
2 x Best Junior, 2 x Best Puppy, 1 x Best Baby

Hungarian Clubwinner ‘20
German Junior Champion VDH (2020)
VDH Jugendsieger Rostock ‘19

HD B, ED 0:0, Eyes clear (date 7-12-2022)

‘Not planned to keep her, but she just had to stay…
Robyn has the most outgoing, happy, sweet temperament & always the wagging tail just like her daddy Logan’


CH Snowjar’s Wellington Dumelow CH Goldenlines New Feeling CH Graceline’s Under Resans Gang CH Graceline’s Enston
Gracelines’s Puppet On a String
CH Goldenlines Dancing Queen Gill’s Garfield
CH Tasvane Torrita
CH Festival’s Loving Lioness CH Jazzman’s Da Capo CH Siatham Raynor
CH Jako’s Hope
CH Festival’s Snow Tigress CH Inassicas Snow Storm
Festival’s Fat Cat
Jun. Ch. Tanishtagh Walk on Water CH Obsidian of the Morning Valley


CH Fly to Fletcher du Bois de la Rayere

CH Ramchaine Snap to Jako’s
Bouguet Imperial du Bois de la Rayere
CH Passionate of the Morning Valley CH Majik Truth or Dare
Lady Apple of the Morning Valley
Multi CH. CIE Snowjar’s Chelles  CH Ashbury Angel Heart CH Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Ashbury Summer Sun
CH Festival’s Sing’n Smile CH Chaveni’s Explosive Dynamite
Inassicas Solea


Meet my parents

CH Snowjar’s Wellington Dumelow

Jun. Ch. Tanishtagh Walk on Water