27-29 October 2023: CAC/CACIB Bratislava (SK)

Gloria Blaauwendraat

Proud breeder @Tanishtagh
FCI judge for: Golden Retriever, Flatcoated Retriever, Basset Hound, Dalmatian Dog, Hungarian Vizsla Short -and Wirehair, Heidewachtel, Cesky Fousek, Bracco Italiano & Italian Spinone
Owner of dogschool: OmegaDogs.

´All dogs are bred with knowledge, love, pride & out of pure passion’
A weekend with friends and quality time; it’s always so nice showing in Slovakia.
The team did great 3 days on a row; Ethan won a RCAC, Florie won 3 CAC’s and 3 RCACIB’s. Ruby won 3 days Junior Class with JCAC and CACIB-J & Crufts Qualification. With this she became Slovakian Junior Champion & this also was her last CACIB-J for her International Junior Champion Title!