A Golden has always something in the mouth when someone from the family gets home, loves dirt in the woods, loves to swim and loves to work with their owners on every level of dogtraining.
But be aware; when you get your first Golden Retriever; you are absolutely stuck on this breed for the rest of your life!
Our Goldens
multi ch glitters to the top BJS'21, GW'22 Pictured @ at 3 years oldBorn 6-10-2020 20 x CAC, 8 x...
Glitters Vanguard Pictured @ 18 monthsBorn 26-3-2022 2 x RJCAC, 2 x Res.Anw.Dts.Jun.Ch. VDH 1 x...
Jun. CH Tanishtagh Moment to Shine GJW'19 Pictured @ 2 years oldBorn 21-5-2018 3 x CAC, 4 x RCAC,...
Jun. CH Tanishtagh Without Doubt Pictured @ 2 years oldBorn 1-10-2018 3 x CAC, 2 x Anw.Dts.Ch....
Jun. CH Tanishtagh Just The Right Note Pictured @ 15 months oldBorn 30-3-2019 3 x JCAC1 x BOS, 1 x...
Guess Who's Coming von Friduren Pictured @ 1 year oldBorn 30-6-2019 3 x CAC, 2 x RCAC, 1 x RCACIB,...
Tanishtagh Makes People Talk Pictured @ 1 year oldBorn 9-10-2020 2 x CAC, 2 x RCAC, 1 x RCACIB3 x...
ch tanishtagh euphoria jw'22, w'22, gw'23 Pictured @ at 18 monthsBorn 2-6-2021 15 x CAC, 2 x RCAC,...
Tanishtagh Champagne for the Lady Pictured @ 6 monthsBorn 23-3-2023'Our little Claire daughter and...